Inclusive Senior Education Through Virtual U3A
Project management documents
Lisboa 18. - 20.9.2019

National seminar 3.9.2019

Roma 14.2 - 15.2.2019
- Agenda
- Conclusions
- Evaluating and disseminating activities
- Final version of the Analysis and Comparative study (IO1)
- Methodology (IO2)
- Blended mobility
- Piloting courses
- Project web site

Kick off meeting 27.11. - 28.11.2017
- Agenda
- Conclusions
- Evaluating and disseminating activities
- Financial management
- Intellectual Output O1
- Intellectual Output O3
- New accounts request
- Project Meetings and Blended Mobility
- Project overview
- University of Ostrava, Virtual U3A
- Time Sheet